Please RememberOperation Christmas Child 2012

The Power of a Simple Gift!  Gift boxes need to be returned to the church by Wednesday November 14th. Be sure to include a donation of $7.00 per box to cover the shipping costs. Please pray that God will touch the heart of every child who receives a shoe box gift!


Thanksgiving Baskets   This year we will be providing a holiday meal for people and families in need at Thanksgiving rather than Christmas. If you would like to help we could use non-perishable holiday meal food items and cash gifts to purchase meat. You may place your food donations in the blue barrel in the main hallway and you may designate your gifts “Thanksgiving meals.” Please have your donations to the church by November 11. For questions you may contact Beth Knorr at 541-261-0642 or at



 FWMF Annual Bazaar with Soup & Pie Luncheon

Saturday, November 17th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The FWMF sponsored baked goods/crafts and miscellaneous annual bazaar is the primary source of funds for supporting the Friends Women’s Yearly Meeting mission’s projects and selected local area outreach ministries.


You are invited to partner with the ladies by providing items: baked goods, pies & candies of all kinds & hand crafted items.

Reminders: A receiving station will be set up in the library area at MFC Nov. 4th & 11th (following the worship service) for you to turn in non-perishable contributions. Please price your items. “New to You” items will be received later.

If you are planning to provide pie for the luncheon please sign up at the receiving station Nov. 4th, to help us be certain we have an adequate amount. (Anticipated need is 12-15.)

Items Needed: 3 or 4 card tables, 1 large ice-chest (labeled with your name) and youth group volunteers to help serve during the luncheon.

New this year: To help support our youth, the specialty coffee counter will be open from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Thank you, Curtis Garrett.

If you have questions or would like to assist with the bazaar contact Nadine Brood or Donnalee Archibald.



 MFC Ladies Meetings

Ladies Fellowship Meeting – Tuesday, November 13th All ladies are invited and welcome to join us at Dawn DuLong’s for sharing & caring fellowship at 7 p.m.

FWMF Meeting –Thursday, November 15th All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, Thursday, November 15th, at 10 a.m. A luncheon follows our meeting.


All Church Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, November 18, 2012

As a means of saying thank you for all of the ways that we have helped their ministry, the Polynation Fellowship is joining us for worship on November 18 and is preparing for us a traditional Polynesian meal so we may give thanks to God together. Please to be there to share in this special time of worship, fellowship and meal!




























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