On his way to work one morning a businessman came upon a professional mover struggling with a large and heavy box. The mover was trying to get the box through a doorway that appeared to be just barely wider than the box.

“Can I help you?” the businessman asked.

“That would be great,” smiled the mover. “Grab hold of the other side of this box.”

For the next few minutes the two men lifted, pushed, pulled and perspired. But no matter how hard they worked the box didn’t budge an inch. Finally, the business man straightened up and shook his head, “I don’t think we’re ever going to get it out!”

“Well no wonder!” roared the mover. “I’m trying to get it in.”

How often does that happen when we are working with other people, or even with God? We think we know what we’re doing, only to discover that we are working at cross purposes. No matter who we are working with, the one thing we can do to keep this from happening is to take time to listen to each other and to know what we’re trying to accomplish, and when we’re working with God it is especially important for us to listen to know what He wants to do.

In that regard, Paul’s prayer for the believers in Rome is very applicable. In Romans 15:5 and 6 he wrote:

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

We are all different, with different needs, interests, perspectives and preferences, however, as we listen to each other and seek, discern and follow the will of Jesus, we can live and serve in a unity that not only gets the work done that He has called us to do but do it in a way that brings glory to God.

As we go into the new year in this time of transition as a church family, may we take the time to listen closely, to pray frequently and together discern and follow God’s will for us.

                                       With Hope,


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