All Church Business Meeting  There will be an all church business meeting Sunday, April 13th, to consider the proposed budget for 2014. We will meet in the sanctuary after worship. Sunday School will follow the meeting.  

Easter Sunday Schedule, April 20, 2014

In Celebration of our Risen Savior we will begin Easter Sunday with a Continental Breakfast at 9 a.m. in the fellowship hall followed by worship at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. There will be no Bible studies or Sunday school classes that day. After the worship service there will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids.                                             

2014 Evangelical Friends Mission Easter Offering

Gifts for this year’s Easter offering will be used to support the outreach efforts of EFM featuring the Philippines Evangelical Friends Church. Your contributions will make a difference there and support outreach efforts in Mexico, Ireland, Rwanda, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Muslim refugees in various countries.


Ladies Meetings:

Ladies Fellowship Group All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship. We will meet on Tuesday, April 1st, at 7 p.m. at the home of Glenda Workman. Ann Loar will be co-hostess.


Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Group All ladies are welcome to join us at in the fireside room at MFC, Thursday, April 17th, at 10 a.m. A buffet lunch will follow the meeting.


All Church Workday – Everyone is invited to join us! Saturday April 12th at 8 a.m. to noon

We have a variety of projects to be completed. Plan now to come and share in the fellowship and work time.

List of Projects:

Finish backboard for library bookcase

Men's bathroom – remove and patch edging/plaster by sink

Outside trimming, weeding and clean-up

Roof cleaning and inspection 

Window sill repairs/caulking of fellowship hall windows (roof top)

Window washing

Kitchen – cleaning and organizing.



Community Garden at MFC  If you are interested in community gardening there is space available. For more information see Nate Swift or email him at


Financial Report

                     March 2014          Year-to-date

Income          $20,366.26             $49,884.21

Expenses        17,587.53               53,189.04

Difference         2,778.73                -3,304.83

We are thankful for God’s provision and for the giving, work and prayers of everyone toward the ministries of Medford Friends Church.



Spring Missions Rally 2014 at Medford Friends Church  Everyone is Invited to Come

Saturday, May 3, 2014, 10:30 a.m. with a lunch at noon Guest speakers: Ed and Marie Cammack


I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  They are plans for PEACE, and not disaster, plans to give you a FUTURE filled with HOPE.                   JEREMIAH 29:11

Sponsored by S. OR Area Friends Women – Offering:  For updated equipment ­to complete the Bolivian History Project


Help our kids go to camp!

Mark your calendars and start planning for Camp Auction 2014!  The auction will be held on Wednesday May 14th.  Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the Auction Starts at 7 p.m. Sign-Up Sheets & additional information are located in the Fellowship Hall, Hallway, Harmony Hall and Ross Chapel.



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