Thank You from Mark and Patsy
Thank you for all of the cards, prayers, gifts and words of love and encouragement as Mark embarks on his retirement. It has been an honor, privilege and joy to serve Jesus with you for over 24 years as pastors of Medford Friends Church. Through the years we have experienced great joy, trusted God through great challenges and grown through all we have faced. We have been incredibly blessed by being part of this church family and as we are gone for a time, please know that our love and prayers will always be with you.
We take joy in knowing that as we step down everyone will be praying for Jesse Davis as he assumes the role of pastor and that he will be shown the same love, grace and acceptance that was so generously shared with us and our family.
Sunday, January 4, 2015 – Farewell for Mark and Patsy Burton.
There will be a time of fellowship following worship. Please bring finger foods to share. No Sunday School that day.
Sunday, January 11, 2015 – Welcome Pastor Jesse Davis
Jesse will be installed and deliver his first sermon as our new pastor. There will be a time of fellowship after worship. No Sunday School. Please bring finger foods to share.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Stan & Earlene Schlosser will share about their recent Medical Mission Trip to Malawi.
There will be a presentation with pictures, lots of fun stories and souvenirs! All adult Sunday School classes will gather together for this time.
All Church Potluck Sunday, January 18th
Please join us for a time of fellowship and good food! We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at noon, following Stan & Earlene’s time of sharing. Please bring a main dish and salad, vegetable or dessert to share.
Women Fellowship Group All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship on January 6th at 7 p.m. at the home of Denise Fleming, Cindi Garrett will be co-hostess.
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Group The next meeting will be January15, 2015, 10 a.m., in the fireside room with a buffet lunch at the close of the meeting. All ladies are welcome.
Wednesday Night Bible Study will resume January 14th, the study by Max Lucado dealing with finding help and hope in difficult times is based on the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis. There are two remaining subjects, “Now, About Those Family Scandals and Scoundrels” and “God Can Use This for Good.” The Study begins at 7 p.m. and everyone is welcome.
In honor of Mark’s 24 years of ministry at MFC, the church has made a donation to the Friendly Water for the World Ministry. If you would like more information, or would like to make a personal donation in Mark’s honor you can do so at or to Friendly Water for the World, mailing address: David H. Albert, 1717 18th Court NE,Olympia WA 98506
Financial Report
December 2014 Year-to-date
Income $20,892.99 $198,898.36
Expenses 12,798.22 190,234.35
Difference 7,954.77 8,664.01
We are thankful for God’s generous provision to us and for of the ways that everyone contributes to the ministries of Medford Friends.
Thank You from the Staff Thank you from the Burton, Wilson and Garrett families for all of the cards, gifts and the cash gifts shared with us throughout the Christmas season. It is a joy to worship and serve Jesus with all of you, our church family.
Thank you from Glenn Archibald, Sr. Thank you so much for the outpouring of caring concerns, prayers, and cards of encouragement during this time of Donnalee’s illness. God has blessed us with a wonderful church family.