Daylight Savings Time Begins – Sunday, March 8th
Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night, before going to bed. It’s also a good time to check the batteries in your home smoke detectors!
Wednesday Night Bible Study at MFC
We meet each Wednesday night at 7p.m. Join us in studying the book of Matthew.
The New Sunday School Class on “Friends” Begins March 8th and runs through March 29th. Jesse Davis will be leading this class and encourages anyone interested in learning about Friends or wanting to become a member of the church to attend. Topics include: Friends History, Friends Theology, Friends Practices and Covenant.
St. Patrick’s All Church Potluck – Sunday, March 15, 2015
Please join us for a fun time of fellowship and food! Wear your best greens that day and be creative in making your main dishes, side dishes and desserts “GREEN”! Be sure to plan to stay for some Irish Trivia games!
Friends Women Missionary Fellowship Meeting
All ladies are welcome to join us, we will meet at 10 a.m. at the home of Lena Anderson on Thursday, March 19th. A buffet luncheon follows the meeting.
Mark your calendar for the Friends Women’s Annual Spring Rally at Talent Friends on Saturday, April 25th, at 10 a.m. This year’s theme is “Journey with Jesus” Psalms 121. Guest speakers, Lana Thurston and Cheryl Engel are from Boise, ID. We are delighted to have them share about their trip abroad under the Yearly Meeting Friends Traveling in Service Program to Palestine. There they spent 3 months visiting and assisting Elizabeth Todd at the Ramallah Friends School. All ladies are welcome and encouraged to bring a friend. There will be a lunch at noon.
March Mission some of the congregation are putting together a work party to go to the Hoopa Reservation out of Eureka, possibly as early as the last week in March. If you are interested please circle “R” on the response sheet and turn it in the offering. If you have questions see Nate Swift.
Spring is Approaching…It’s not too soon to be thinking about joining in the Medford Friends Community Garden! If you are at all interested there is space available. For more information please see Nate Swift or email him at