Saturday, July 1st at 11 a.m. Ladies, Please Join Us

Ashley Krupp Baby Shower – Come celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby boy Krupp.  We will gather on Saturday, July 1st @ 11 a.m. Brunch will be served.  Ashley is registered at Target. Ashley has received lots of lovely hand me downs, so no clothes needed. Join us for this fun celebration of the gift of new life from our Lord. If you have questions, see Patsy Burton.


Medford and Talent Friends Combined BBQ Picnic! Saturday, July 8th at Bear Creek Park under the pavilion 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Hamburgers & hotdogs, buns and condiments will be provided.  Please bring picnic potluck side dishes and desserts. Bring lawn chairs or lawn blanket etc. as desired.  We are looking forward to gathering together for a great time of fellowship.



Friends Women Missionary Fellowship

Our July meeting is Thursday, July 20th and is a potluck picnic at the home of Phebe McManama. This meeting concludes our 2016-17 program year, “Transformed by Grace”.  We will convene at 10:30 a.m. with an hour for wrap up business and prayer; lunch will be set out at 11:45. All women are invited to come as our guests. The Talent FWMF has been invited. Please RSVP to Nadine Brood.


Women’s Banquet at Yearly Meeting 2017

Theme: On the Journey – Speaker: Sarah Badgley

Held at the Canyon Commons at GFU

4:15 p.m. (registration & refreshments) – 5 p.m. (banquet)

Cost: $15 – paid by July 18; $19 after (and only as space is available) Please include payment in your registration, or send a check payable to Friends Women to: Terri Bowen, 200 N Meridian, Newberg, OR 97132-2714


When Grace Happens is the theme for 2017 NWYM sessions, July 23rd through 26th.  Held on the campus of GFU Newberg, OR. Register on line at


1000 Pairs of Shoes  

We Are Off To A Great Start…

We are going to be accepting donations of new shoes up until Easter time of next year! Please help us bless our community by participating in any way that you can for this shoe drive!


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