Ladies Annual Ornament Exchange      

Ladies, invite a friend and join us Friday, December 13th at 6:30 p.m. for a celebration of Christ’s Birth! Share in the joy & laughter as we fellowship together, interact with the story of the First Christmas and exchange ornaments. Everyone bring a wrapped ornament and finger food for sharing! 

Sunday, December 22nd we look forward to a fun Christmas program

“A Super Hero Christmas”.  There will be a time of fellowship following the program, please bring a holiday favorite finger food to share. We will not have Sunday School that morning.

Christmas Eve Service Please join us in the sanctuary Tuesday, December 24th at 5 p.m. For our “Come As You Are Family Celebration.”

“Abiding in the Gift”  EFM Christmas Catalog for 2019

We have an opportunity to make a difference and help with family needs in a way you might not thought of before. There are 2019 Christmas Catalogs on the usher’s table in the foyer or go online to

Our White Elephant Gift Exchange that takes place on December 31st is without a coordinator this year. If you are interested in making this event happen contact the church office soon, so an announcement can be made.

Our dear friend Jack Hamilton went to be with Jesus on Sunday, December 1st. A Celebration of Life is planned for later in January. Please remember Sue Hamilton and family in prayer at this time.

We have lost another precious member of Medford Friends. Please be in prayer for Dick Krupp and the entire Krupp family, Anne joined a heavenly choir Friday, December 6th, 2019.  

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts

This year we sent 46 shoebox gifts, thank you to everyone who gave to this ministry to help bring joy and the message of Christ to children in need.

It’s time to update our birthday file and directory information. If you are new to MFC within the last year we would like to have the birth dates of those in your family. Please list the month & day on the back of your Information Sheet. (Adults are not required to list the year however, it is helpful for children!) If you have moved or have new phone numbers or a new email address, please fill out the top of the Information Sheet and place it in the box on the table in the foyer. Thank you.

Pastor Jesse & Emily are out of town December 25th through January 1st. If there is a pastoral need please contact one of our Elders. A contact list of MFC’s Elders can be found on the usher’s table in the foyer.

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