Home Study for May 19 through 24, 2014

Home Study

Monday – Read I John 2:1-6
Why does Jesus speak to the Father in our defense even when we sin?
What is an indication that we have come to really know Jesus?
How can we walk as Jesus walked?
What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Hebrews 7:23-28
Why is Jesus so fully qualified to meet the needs of our lives?
Needs doesn’t always refer to what we think we need, but also what Jesus knows needs to be done in our hearts and lives. What is Jesus revealing to you that needs to be done in your life?
How will you respond to Him?

Wednesday – Read Colossians 1:21-23
What has Jesus done in our lives?
So much of the way that Jesus works in our lives is through the transforming of our minds (Romans 12:1-2), why is this so important?
What will God do if we grow and remain rooted in our faith in Jesus?
What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Ephesians 1:18-23
What hope has Jesus called us to?
What kind of power does He want to set loose to work in your life?
What can stand against that power?
Take time to pray and ask Jesus to open your eyes to all that He has done and wants to do in and through your life.

Friday – Read Ephesians 3:14-21
What is Jesus able to do in our lives?
Why does He want to do it and how can He do it?
What is our part in the work that Jesus wants to do in us?
Invite Jesus to work in your life to accomplish His plan and purpose for you.

Saturday – Read Matthew 10:40-42


Home Study for May 12 through 17, 2014

Home Study

Monday – Read Psalm 66:17-18
How does unconfessed and unforgiven sin damage our relationship with God?
How might our lack of communication with God increase our sense of fear?
How can we remove this barrier? (See I John 1:9)
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Philippians 4:6-7
How does making our requests to God help alleviate our fear?
Why can we experience God’s peace when we turn our fears over to Him.
How does this passage encourage you? How does it challenge you?
What will you do?

Wednesday – Read Psalm 18:1-6
How does David describe God here?
How did his understanding of God impact his response to the difficult circumstances he faced?
What does this say to you? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Jeremiah 1:1-8
God called Jeremiah to speak His word against his people. What might Jeremiah have been afraid of?
What was God’s response to Jeremiah’s fear?
Is there anything God is asking of you that you are afraid of?
What is God saying to you about your fear?

Friday – Read II Timothy 1:6-10
What fears are you facing?
What encouragement do these verses give you?
What is God saying to you?
What will you do?

Saturday – Read Philippians 1:3-11
What hope does this passage give you?


Homse Study for May 5 through 10, 2014

Monday – Read I John 1:5-7
How is God light?
What does it take for us to walk in fellowship with Him?
When we experience fellowship with God who else can we have fellowship with? Why does it work this way?
How is God challenging you? How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Proverbs 2:1-8
What is our part in knowing God’s commands?
Why is God’s wisdom like a treasure to our soul?
What does God’s wisdom do in our lives when we apply it?
What can you do to better apply God’s wisdom in your life?

Wednesday – Read Romans 15:1-7
According to verse 4, what is one reason God has recorded and preserved His word for us?
How does God use His word to give us endurance and encouragement? How does it create unity among believers?
What is God trying to teach you in these days? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Acts 1:4-8
What did Jesus tell the disciples here? Why?
What would have happened had they said, “We know what Jesus wants us to do, why wait, let’s get to it now?”
Why does God sometimes have us wait even when we know what He wants us to do? What can happen if we don’t wait?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read I Corinthians 2:9-16
How might you describe what God has planned and prepared for His people?
How can we know and follow the mind of Jesus?
In what area do you need to know the mind of Jesus? Ask Him to reveal it to you.

Saturday – Read Mark 14:43-72


Home Study for April 28 through May 3, 2014

Monday – Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9
According to this passage, what place should God hold in our lives?
Why are we to talk to our children/family about this?
How can we live to show our love for God to the people around us?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read Matthew 22:34-40
What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment in the Law?
Which is harder, to love God whom you can’t see or to love your neighbor whom you do see? Why?
How do loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves put the rest of life into perspective and order?

Wednesday – Read Joshua 24:14-15
Living for Jesus and putting Him first in our lives is all about the choices we make. What choice did Joshua make?
Why do we need to make this choice each day?
How does making this choice bring order and peace in our lives?
Who do you choose to serve today?

Thursday – Read Matthew 19:16-26
Jesus gave this man a choice, at what point did he chose to not follow Jesus?
What other kind of things besides wealth can get in the way of us choosing Jesus?
What happens when we choose anything besides Jesus?
What is this passage saying to you? What will you do?

Friday – Read Galatians 5:1-6
Paul is responding to people who insisted that a person is justified by obeying the Old Testament Law. In verse 4, what does Paul say that does to our relationship with Jesus? Why this important to understand?
According to verse 6, how should our faith by expressed?
How can this help others to see Jesus?
How does this passage challenge you? Encourage you?

Saturday – Read Matthew 10:40-42


Home Study for April 14 through 19, 2014

Monday – Read Matthew 5:1-12
Which of these blessings surprises you the most?
From these verses, how vastly different is Jesus’ kingdom from the kingdoms of men?
How does this challenge you? How does it encourage you?
How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read John 10:1-10
What does it mean to “have life, and have it to the full?”
What does Jesus want to give us to “the full?”
Why do we too often miss it?
What does Jesus want to do in you? How will you respond to Him?

Wednesday – Read John 6:35
What does Jesus mean that He is the “bread of life?”
What can we do to be more fully filled with Him?
How does this verse challenge you?
How will you respond?

Thursday – Read John 13:34-35
Who is our example of how to love one another?
What did Jesus do out of love for us?
How can we love others in the same way?
Why is love such an important testimony?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read Galatians 5:1-6
Paul is talking about trying to be justified by the Old Testament law rather than by faith – trying to be justified by outward actions rather than a heart changed by Jesus.
At the end of verse 6, what does Paul say in the only thing that counts?
Why must our faith be expressed in acts of love?
How does this encourage you? Challenge you?
How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Luke 24:1-12


Home Study for April 7 through 12, 2014

Monday – Read John 16:33
Why did Jesus give His disciples this warning and promise before His oming arrest and crucifixion?
How did Jesus overcome the world?
What does that mean to us?
How does this verse encourage you?

Tuesday – Read Romans 8:31-39
What promises of God to we find in this passage?
What can separate us from God’s love?
What does that mean to you?
How will you respond to this promise and truth?

Wednesday – Read Romans 12:1-2
What does it mean to be a “living sacrifice?”
Why is this important?
How can we know God’s will?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Philippians 2:5-11
What do verses 9-11 tell us everyone will do one day?
Why is it important for people to confess Jesus as their Lord on this side of eternity?
How does this passage challenge you? How does it encourage you?
To whom can you give testimony to the truth and love of Jesus?

Friday – Read Acts 4:1-22
Who opposed the truth of Jesus here?
According to verse 8, by what power did Peter speak?
According to verse 13, what was noted about Peter and John?
Do you think people would say that about you?
How does this passage challenge you?
How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Matthew 10:32-42


Home Study for March 31 through April 5, 2014

Monday – Read Luke 19:41-44
This passage is right after Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
How did Jesus feel about the people of the city that rejected Him as Messiah?
Why did they miss the time of God coming to them?
Why do people miss God reaching out to them today?
How does Jesus feel about those who miss Him today?
How should that influence how we respond to them?

Tuesday – Read I Corinthians 13:1-3
Why is anything done for God without love useless?
How does this challenge you?
How will you respond?

Wednesday – Read Acts 1:6-8
Where did Jesus commission His followers to be witnesses for Him?
What does it mean to be a witness?
By what power would they share?
How does this passage challenge you? Encourage you?
How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Colossians 4:2-6
How does being thankful help us to make the most of our opportunities to be witnesses for Jesus?
What does it mean to have our conversation be full of grace and seasoned with salt? Why is this so important?
How does this passage challenge you? Encourage you?
How will you respond?

Friday – Read Romans 12:9-21
How can we live to do all we can to live at peace with all people?
What if we’ve done everything we can and there is still no peace?
How does this passage challenge you? Encourage you?
How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Matthew 10:16-31


Home Study March 17th -22nd

Home Study March 17th -22nd


Monday Read- Colossians 2:13-15

Apart from Christ you are considered spiritually dead.

According to verse 15, what has God done to address this?

What did Jesus do to the spiritual rulers and authorities who are against us?


Tuesday Read-1 Peter 1:3-9

According to Peter, why are we to rejoice?

Why does God permit trails in his children’s lives?

How have you responded to suffering in your life?


Wednesday Read- Ephesians 6:10-12

Why are we to put on the whole armor of God?

Who do we wrestle with?

What does “be strong” look like in your life?


Thursday Read- Romans 8:12-17

Who are considered the sons and daughters of God?

Why are those who are led by God’s spirit considered part of his family?


Friday Read-John 3:1-15

What must you do to be born again?

In verse 5 what does Jesus say about entering his kingdom

How can you apply Jesus’s words to your life today?


Saturday Read Matthew 9:35-38


Home Study for march 10 through 15, 2014

Monday – Read Isaiah 35:1-10
In this Messianic prophecy, what kinds of miracles would the Messiah perform?
How did Jesus fulfill this prophecy?
How does this passage encourage you?

Tuesday – Read Isaiah 42:1-7
How is the Messiah described here?
How did Jesus fulfill that description?
Why is this important?
How does this passage challenge you?
How does it encourage you?

Wednesday – Read Isaiah 61:1-4
As you read this description of what the Messiah would do how does it make you feel?
What do you need Jesus to do in you? Tell Him.
How can you better join Him in His work today?

Thursday – Read Luke 4:14-21
This passage is like a mission statement for Jesus’ ministry.
How did Jesus’ earthly ministry fulfill this statement?
How does His work in the lives of people today continue to fulfill this statement?
As His people, how can we best serve Him to fulfill this statement in the world today?

Friday – Read Romans 10:9-15
How are we saved?
What can we do to help other people come to Jesus?
How does this passage challenge you?
How does it encourage you?
How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Matthew 9:35-38


Home Study for March 3 through 8, 2014

Monday – Read John 10:7-10
What does Jesus mean that He is the “gate?”
What did Jesus come to give to those who follow Him?
In what area of your life do you need to experience the work and power of Jesus in these days?
Invite Him to work in you today.

Tuesday – Read John 11:21-27 and 43-44
What did Jesus call Himself here?
What hope do you think this gave to Lazarus’ sisters?
How did Jesus demonstrate that what He said about Himself was true?
What hope does this give you?
What do you need Jesus to do in the life of someone you love?
Invite Him to do it.

Wednesday – Read John 14:1-6
What does Jesus mean when He says He is “the way, the truth and the life?”
What does this mean for us in the context of eternity?
What hope would this give the disciples?
What hope does this give you today?

Thursday – Read Romans 6:5-14
How does this passage challenge you?
What hope does it give you?
What do you sense that Jesus wants to do in you today?
Invite Him to accomplish His work in you.

Friday – Read Romans 8:1-4
Why is there no condemnation for those who have received Jesus into their heart?
How is this a form of new life?
How does this passage challenge you?
What hope does this passage give you?
How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Matthew 9:27-34

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