From The Elders of MFC

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”                                          

                                      Isaiah 55:8-9

On May 18, 2014 we hosted our top pastoral candidate, Tyler Vance, and his wife Kate for a visit to our area and church. The Elders did a second interview with Tyler and he preached in our worship service. At our Business Meeting on Sunday May 25, 2014, we decided to issue an initial three year call to Tyler Vance to serve as our Pastor as Pastor Mark retires. After spending time in prayer and fasting, Tyler and Kate felt that he was not yet ready to make this move and that he would benefit from additional education.

We don’t always understand why God sometimes takes us down one path only to have that not be the ultimate path that He has for us. But one thing we do know is that as we seek and follow Him, no matter how it turns out, every path that God takes us on prepares us for what He has in store for us next, which is true for us and for Tyler and Kate.

We will continue to go forward in our search, with full confidence, trusting that in the right time God will lead us to the path and person that He has for us. We ask that everyone continue to keep our search process in your prayers and we will keep you informed as we go.

                                                                                    With Hope, Trust and Prayer, 

                                                                                                      MFC Elders


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