Home Study for April 14 through 19, 2014

Monday – Read Matthew 5:1-12
Which of these blessings surprises you the most?
From these verses, how vastly different is Jesus’ kingdom from the kingdoms of men?
How does this challenge you? How does it encourage you?
How will you respond?

Tuesday – Read John 10:1-10
What does it mean to “have life, and have it to the full?”
What does Jesus want to give us to “the full?”
Why do we too often miss it?
What does Jesus want to do in you? How will you respond to Him?

Wednesday – Read John 6:35
What does Jesus mean that He is the “bread of life?”
What can we do to be more fully filled with Him?
How does this verse challenge you?
How will you respond?

Thursday – Read John 13:34-35
Who is our example of how to love one another?
What did Jesus do out of love for us?
How can we love others in the same way?
Why is love such an important testimony?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?

Friday – Read Galatians 5:1-6
Paul is talking about trying to be justified by the Old Testament law rather than by faith – trying to be justified by outward actions rather than a heart changed by Jesus.
At the end of verse 6, what does Paul say in the only thing that counts?
Why must our faith be expressed in acts of love?
How does this encourage you? Challenge you?
How will you respond?

Saturday – Read Luke 24:1-12

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