Home Study for July 15 through 20, 2013
Home Study
Monday – Read Jeremiah 17:9 and Matthew 12:33-37
How does the condition of our heart impact what we say?
What does it mean that the heart is deceitful?
How do our hearts get changed? What is our part?
How do these passages challenge you? How will you respond?
Tuesday – Read Leviticus 19:11-16
All of these laws deal with living a life of honesty and integrity.
How does living this way bring glory to God?
What has God given us to enable us to live like this?
How do these verses challenge you? What will you do?
Wednesday – Read James 3:7-11
Why can the tongue be so destructive?
Would you agree that the way to tame the tongue is to tame the heart?
How do we do that?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Thursday – Read Ephesians 4:29-32
How would you define “unwholesome talk?”
How can we tear others down with our words?
How can we build others up with our words?
How can we grieve the Holy Spirit with our words?
What are these verses calling you to do?
Friday – Read Colossians 3:12-17
How does living like this allow us to protect and build up other people?
How do they allow us to live out the truth in love?
Why is that important?
How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?
Saturday – Read Matthew 5:38-48