Home Study for June 17 through 22, 2013

Monday – Read John 1:1-18

What does this passage teach us about Jesus?

Why is it important to understand these things?


Tuesday – Read Romans 8:1-4

What has set us free from the law of sin and death?

By what means do we fulfill the righteous requirements of the law?

Why is the law powerless to do?

Why is it important to understand this?

How is God challenging you? How will you respond?


Wednesday – Read Deuteronomy 10:12-13

What does God desire for His followers to do?

How does knowing the Law help us to do that?

Why has the Law been given to us?

How are they for our good?

How is God challenging you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read Matthew 22:34-40

How are all of the words of the Law and the Prophets fulfilled by Jesus’ reply in verse 37?

Do you think His answer surprised the religious leader(s)?


How does it surprise you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read Micah 6:8

How does treating others as we read here allow us to fulfill God’s desire for His people?

How does it bring glory and honor to God?

Why is humility before God important to living for Him?

How does this verse challenge you? How will you respond?


Saturday – Read Matthew 5:21-26

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