May Touchstone


Touchstone Newsletter for May 2022

Medford Friends Church
525 De Barr Avenue, Medford, OR 97501
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday – Thursday
Office Phone: 541-772-6926
Pastor – Jesse Davis


From Jesse Davis 


Did you ever watch Star Wars? I know, silly question. In Star Wars the space ships have a way to move faster than light, to travel between star systems in a very quick time, this is called Hyperspeed. It makes a galaxy spanning civilization plausible, otherwise it would take hundreds or thousands of years to move between solar systems. Anyway, you can go real fast to get where you want to go = Hyperspeed. Sometimes I wish that following Jesus had a hyperspeed mode. That we could just plug in the place we wanted to be and hit the throttle to get there as soon as possible. But following Jesus is a lot more like the Oregon Trail than Star Wars. You have to move at a normal pace and go where your leader takes you. Jesus walks with us and teaches us along the way, so if we skipped the in-between we would miss out on all that He had to teach us as we journeyed together. What I am trying to say is, if you aren’t where you want to be in your faith journey yet don’t worry. Keep following Jesus and He will get you there. 


Elders Committee Meeting, May 10th, at 6 p.m.

Stewards Committee Meeting, Thursday, May 12th, at 2 p.m. at MFC.


Financial Report for March 2022


February          YTD

Income                  16916.13            32154.11             

Expense                14109.60            29366.47             

Difference                2806.53             2787.64


May Birthdays

Josh Nicholson May 1st, Patsy Burton May 2nd, Rich Mann May 3rd, Jesse Davis May 6th, Ilene Ogier and Erica Chan May 8th, Charlie Swingle May 10th, Ashley Krupp May 12th, Amanda Matheisen May 15th, Liam Krupp May 17th, Jim Redford May 19th, Billie Taylor May 25th, Jeremy Hayes May 27th, Phil Chan May 28th, and Phebe Archibald May 31st.


Please join the Elders on Sunday May 1st in the Fellowship Hall after church to help Terry Wilson celebrate her retirement.


Friends Women – The Friends Women Fellowship regular monthly meeting for business is scheduled for Wednesday, May 11th, at 10:30 a.m. in the conference room unless posted otherwise. This month’s mission history story time features the story of the Bolivian Friends Church highlighting the decade of the 40’s, a time of much conflict (ideology, personality, culture), yet a time of much growth as God’s plan prevailed.


Special Days in May – May 1st is May Day, National Loyalty Day, and Silver Star Service Banner Day. The first week of May – from May 1st to 7th – is National Correctional Officers Week, Public Service Recognition Week, and National Small Business Week. The whole month of May is recognized as Military Appreciation Month. The National Day of Prayer is on May 5th. National Military Spouse Appreciation Day falls on May 6th this year. Mother’s Day is on May 9th. Peace Officers Memorial Day falls on May 15th. This year, May 26th is Ascension Day, commemorating Jesus Christ’s ascension into heaven. Memorial Day is May 30th. This is a busy month, with much to celebrate and remember. And a final observance, National Smile Day, tops off the month’s final day, May 31st.  

Prayerfully consider propelling the Luke 10 Initiative forward through EFM’s 2022 Easter Offering. Your gifts will help us fuel the movement that was the essence of Jesus’ passion – that all would experience the transforming power of the Resurrection. Our goal is to send ten new missionary households to five new fields by 2025.


Your Easter Offering can be given directly at that website or mailed to Evangelical Friends Mission, P.O. Box 771139, Wichita, KS 67277.

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