November 7 to 12

Home Study


Monday – Read John 14:1-6

What hope does Jesus give His disciples here in their time of  trouble?

How does this hope apply to our lives?

If Jesus is the “way, the truth and the life” and the only way to come to

God the Father, what can you do to help get that message to others?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Tuesday – Read Acts 1:1-11

Why is it not up to us to know the time and date of Jesus’ return?

How might that information impact how we live?

Why is it important to know that Jesus will return in the say way that He went into

How does this passage challenge you? What hope does it give you?

The studies for Wednesday – Friday are all parables Jesus told regarding the End Times and His

Wednesday – Read Matthew 25:1-13

How should we live while waiting for Jesus to return?

How does this encourage you? How does it challenge you?

How should this change your life?

What action will you take?


Thursday – Read Matthew 25:14-30

How we are to live while waiting for Jesus to return.

How does this encourage you? How does it challenge you?

How should this change your life?

What action will you take?


Friday – Read Matthew 25:31-46

How are we to live while waiting for Jesus’ return?

How does this encourage you? How does this challenge you?

How should this change your life?

What action will you take?


Saturday – Read I Thessalonians 5:1-3

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