The Pastor’s Blog
What’s up in September
Thank You Judy! A big thank you to Judy Fields for all of her work on the church family photo board. It looks wonderful and will be a helpful resource to our church family. Thank you too to everyone who took the time to have your picture taken.
The Prayer Shawl Group is now The Prayer Shawl & Craft Group and will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse at The Meadows. If you have any questions, call Judy Fields at 541-664-2786.
Looking for Volunteers: Just a Reminder! Last Sunday, Christian Ed. clerk, Lena Anderson made an announcement that the committee is seeking volunteers for nursery and children’s ministries during the Sunday School hour and asked for us to pray about what God would might have us do. If you feel that this is a place where God is calling you to serve please contact Lena or Pastor Mark.
We Will Resume Wednesday Night Activities on September 14th Simple Meal will be at 6 p.m. with Wednesday Night Kids, Youth Group and an adult study beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday Night Kids will meet upstairs. The youth will be meeting for worship, study and small groups in the sanctuary. The adult study will meet in the fellowship hall classroom and will begin with a study on the prayers of Jesus.
All Church Potluck – Sunday, September 18th Mark your calendars now and plan to join us in the fellowship hall following Sunday School and Bible Study. Please bring your favorite potluck main dish, and a salad, vegetable or dessert, enough to feed eight people. There will be a short business meeting afterwards.
Ladies you are Invited to A Baby Shower for Erica (Burton) Chan
Please join us in the fireside room at MFC on Thursday, September 15th at 7 p.m. Erica and Phil are registered at Target and if you haven’t heard they are expecting a bouncing baby boy, due in November! Be sure to RSVP by circling “J” on the back of your Response and Information sheet in Sunday’s bulletin.
Ladies Groups Resume Meeting in September
FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship) is open to all women of our church. Our time together is spent in fellowship and learning about the work of our missionaries, their needs and those people to whom they minister. This year’s theme is “God’s Global Network.” All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC on Thursday, September 15th, at 10 a.m. A buffet luncheon will follow the meeting.
Ladies Fellowship Group will have their first fall meeting Tuesday, September 20th at 7 p.m. at the home of Patsy Burton. This group plans many of the “all church” fellowship functions. All ladies are warmly invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship.
Friends Women Fall Retreat at Twin Rocks Camp
September 30 – October 2 – Women Truly Transformed
Register by Sept. 18 and save $10. Cost is $138. Brochures are on the usher’s table in the foyer. If you’d like to go and need transportation contact Nadine Brood by September 15th.
Each year the retreat holds a silent auction, this year, our FWMF group is planning to send a kitchen themed basket featuring one of our “Recipes from the Heart” cookbooks. If you would like to contribute a fun kitchen item please let Judy Fields or Phebe McManama know by Sept. 15th. Money raised from the auction will go to help purchase new linens and decorations for the Twin Rocks dining hall.
Seeking and Following
Recently I was thinking about how every job has its own set of frustrations. Take for example a teacher, just when it seem like a student has mastered a new skill he forgets how to do it (or maybe that was just a frustration for my teachers). Or a custodian, who cleans a building from top to bottom, making the place shine, only to have it get dirty the next day. But as I thought about it, I decided that one of the most frustrating jobs in the world would have to be being my GPS.
Quite often I use my GPS as a general guideline rather than the only way to get to my set destination. For example, recently I programmed a destination in Seattle, knowing full well that I wanted to avoid the freeway, which was the way I knew the GPS would take me. I just wanted the directions for the end of the drive, from the place where I would have gotten off the freeway.
So mile after mile I ignored every direction the GPS was giving me until the last mile or so of the trip. If my GPS was a real person she would have been very frustrated by my actions and I suspect that every future time that I programmed a new destination she would ask me if that was really where I wanted to go or was I just going to ignore all of her hard work like I so often do?
That got me to thinking about how we seek, listen to and follow the directions that God wants to give us. Proverbs 3:5 and 6 say, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”
When we seek and receive God’s direction we can’t treat His leading as I do my GPS, basically saying, “Thanks for the direction but I’ll decide for myself where and when to go.” No, if we want to live in God’s will and experience the life that He has for us we must follow as He leads, without trying to figure out how we can improve on His plan.
To seek and follow God’s will puts us in a place where He can work in and through our lives in some incredible ways. So take time each day to seek His will, invite God to direct you through your day and then follow as He leads. And as you seek and God leads, be looking for all that God is doing in your life and in the lives of the people you touch as you follow His plan for you.
Seeking and Following,
The Little Things Matter
Have you ever noticed how important the little things are in life? Pennies add up to dollars and dollars can add up to a new car. The first step can put us on the path of a great journey. A mere inch can mean the difference between a car accident and a near miss. And reading through the Bible begins with a single word.
Recently someone gave me the gift golf lessons. I have played through the years but I have never had lessons and if I ever developed anything close to a good swing I lost it years ago. The reality is that when I was on a golf course I simply did what worked. So after years of golfing with a swing that was more by accident than by design, at my first lesson the teaching pro and I decided we needed to start from scratch. So we worked on the proper grip, stance, flex of the knees, position of my chin, and all of the other little thing that make up a proper golf swing.
Through these lessons I have learned that just as 100 pennies makes a dollar, a good golf swing is the result of doing a lot of little things right. The same thing is true in our relationship with Jesus. We don’t want our walk with Jesus to be by accident, but by intentional design as we do the little things that make a difference.
Some of those little things include daily committing our lives to Jesus; spending time each day in prayer, speaking and listening; spending time each day in Bible study; seeking God’s leading in all of our choices and following as He leads; choosing to avoid sin and pursue righteousness; choosing to live with courage and to love with reckless abandon; and living to please Jesus in all that we do.
If we add all of these little things together, over time they add up to a life lived well for Jesus. However, like trying to have the perfect golf swing, we may not always do every little thing right every time, but if we will practice doing the little things every day, we will find that we will incorporate enough of them into our daily lives so that no matter what is going on or what difficulty we may be facing we can know and choose to do what God would have us do.
So many good things in life begin with a small decision and a small step and it’s my hope and prayer that as we take the steps we can in our relationship with Jesus, that we will experience more of the life that Jesus has for us. Keep praying, keep seeking and keep watching to see all that Jesus wants to do in and through you as you trust in Him.
Grace and Peace,
Live in Peace
Recently Patsy and I had the opportunity to visit the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. It was an educational, sobering and emotional experience. At every turn we were reminded of the brutality of war, of the incredible sacrifices that were made and the loss of lives and resources that accompany any war. It reminded me of the words of Claire Luce after she visited Europe during World War II. She described it as “a world where men have decided to die together because they are unable to find a way to live together.”
A similar dynamic can happen between individuals. People will choose to live in conflict because they can’t find a way to live together. And just like a war, that conflict can cause a loss of time, energy, resources and peace. This can especially be true for children who too often do not have the tools and resources to resolve the conflicts in their lives. That is why we have adopted as our theme for Vacation Bible School “Equipping Kids to Live in Peace.”
Working with Mediation Works and other community resources and using Bible stories and other activities contained in the Northwest Yearly Meeting peace trunks, we will be equipping kids to find positive ways to choose peace giving responses to the conflicts and trials that they face. Please keep this ministry in prayer, praying for our adult team, for a good number of kids to come and for God’s preparation in the heart of each person who attends or helps with this time.
Grace and Peace,