Home Study 01-02-12 to 01-07-12

Monday – Read Isaiah 59:1-2

Why does unforgiven sin disrupt our communication with God?

What can we do every time that we sin? See I John 1:9.

Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal any unforgiven sin in your heart so you may confess it and be forgiven.


Tuesday – Read Hebrews 6:9-12

Thinking about the faith heroes in your life, what are some of the qualities that you notice in them?

Why are we warned to not become spiritually lazy?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Wednesday – Read Numbers 14:1-45

What got the people of Israel into trouble?

What reward was given to those who wanted to obey?

How does this apply to our lives today?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read Psalm 51:1-19

This was David’s prayer of repentance after being confronted by his adultery with Bathsheba.

What jumps out at you in this Psalm?

According to verses 16 and 17, what does God desire from us more than our religious sacrifices and activities?

Which is easier to do; religious activity or pursue God with our whole heart?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read John 4:7-26

What do we know about the woman Jesus was talking to?

What was Jesus offering this woman?

According to verses 23-24, how are we to worship God?

How does this challenge you? What will you do?


Saturday – Read I
Thessalonians 5:12-15


Home Study 01-02-12 to 01-07-12

Monday – Read Isaiah 59:1-2

Why does unforgiven sin disrupt our communication with God?

What can we do every time that we sin? See I John 1:9.

Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal any unforgiven sin in your heart so you may confess it and be forgiven.


Tuesday – Read Hebrews 6:9-12

Thinking about the faith heroes in your life, what are some of the qualities that you notice in them?

Why are we warned to not become spiritually lazy?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Wednesday – Read Numbers 14:1-45

What got the people of Israel into trouble?

What reward was given to those who wanted to obey?

How does this apply to our lives today?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read Psalm 51:1-19

This was David’s prayer of repentance after being confronted by his adultery with Bathsheba.

What jumps out at you in this Psalm?

According to verses 16 and 17, what does God desire from us more than our religious sacrifices and activities?

Which is easier to do; religious activity or pursue God with our whole heart?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read John

What do we know about the woman Jesus was talking to?

What was Jesus offering this woman?

According to verses 23-24, how are we to worship God?

How does this challenge you? What will you do?


Saturday – Read I
Thessalonians 5:12-15


Home Study 12-26 to 12-31, 2011

Monday – Read Philippians 2:1-4

How are we called to live as followers of Jesus?

Why is this important?

What could happen if the followers of Jesus would live in
humility and look to the interests of others?

What can you do to help you live more like this?

Tuesday – Read Philippians 2:5-11

What did Jesus do?

What example does this set for us?

How can we show the same attitude as Jesus?

How is God challenging you? How will you respond?

Wednesday – Read Philippians 2:12-18

Who works in us to motivate us to act according to God’s
good purposes?

Why is it important to understand this?

How should we live to shine like stars for Jesus?

How does this give us the opportunity to share the love and
truth of Jesus?

How is God challenging you? How will you respond?

Thursday – Read Philemon, verses 4-7

What does Paul pray for Philemon here?

How does sharing our faith help us to have a fuller
understanding of every good thing we have in Jesus?

What might you do to open the door to share your faith more?

Friday – Read II Peter 1:3-11

What has God given us to live for Him?

What is our role in possessing these qualities in increasing

How do these qualities keep us from falling?

How is God challenging you? How will you respond?

Saturday – Read I Thessalonians 5:19


December 12 through 17

Monday – Read I Kings 19:9-13

Why was Elijah so tired here?

What did God do for him?

How did God come to him?

What does this tell us about how important it is that we be quiet before the Lord?

Take some time to listen quietly for God’s voice.


Tuesday – Read Psalm 46:10

How can God be exalted by our lives?

How does our stillness and quiet before Him help make that happen?

How does God change us when we are quiet before Him with no agenda other than
to be with Him?

How is Jesus challenging you with this verse? What will you do?


Wednesday – Read John 10:22-30

Why didn’t the religious leaders recognize Jesus’ voice?

How can we know Jesus’ voice better?

How does this passage challenge you?

How will you respond?


Thursday – Read James 1:19-22

How does being quick to listen help us to be slow to anger?

Why is it important to rid our lives of anger and moral filth?

What must we do besides listen to God’s word?

How might the world be different if everyone did this?

How does this passage challenge you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read I John 1:1-4

As we live with Jesus, with whom may we have fellowship?

What does it mean to have fellowship with God?

What has God done to open the door for this fellowship?

What is our part in living in this fellowship?

How does this passage challenge you? What will you do?


Saturday – Read Luke 1:26-38


December 5th to 10th


Monday – Read Romans 3:21-26

What separates us from God?

Who has made atonement for us so that we may be one with

How may we be justified?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Tuesday – Read John 17:20-26

With whom does Jesus pray that His people will be as one?

How can this happen?

What is our part in this sense of oneness?

What might you do to live more at one with God?


Wednesday – Read John 10:7-10

What is the purpose of a door or gate?

When it comes to Jesus, He is the door or gate to what?

How does this describe the work of Jesus in our lives?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Thursday – Read John 14:1-6

How is Jesus the way, the truth and the life?

Why can no one come to God the Father except through Him?

What does it mean to us that the Father’s house has many

Who do you know that does not yet have a room reserved in their

name? Take time to pray that they will find Jesus.


Friday – Read John 19:28-30

What do you see here that is significant about Jesus’ death?

What was Jesus declaring was finished?

What hope does this declaration give you?

Take time to thank Jesus for finishing the work of salvation
and for continuing to work to complete the good work He began in you.


Saturday – Read Luke 1:26-28


Sharing the Love of Jesus at Christmas

The Gift Tree is decorated with tags that will provide a little help for families in need this holiday season!  Simply claim a tag and check it out on the information sheet hanging near the tree. Gifts need to be returned by December 20. Tags will have information about gender, age and size. Suggested price range is $25. The gifts should be wrapped and identified with the tree tag when returned. If you would like to help a child, but can’t (or don’t like to) shop – we have Friends willing to brave the crowds for you. See Earlene Schlosser if you have questions.

Christmas Food Baskets: Turkeys are traditional, but also consider fully-cooked hams and canned hams as many people are without the means to cook.  In addition to what the Scouts have donated we can use help with items that go with a Christmas dinner. Those items include canned pumpkin, evaporated milk, puddings, stuffing mixes, fruit and cranberry sauce. We have plenty of green beans and corn! If you would like to help us buy fresh items, please mark your donation “Food Baskets”. We could also use those nifty boxes that hold computer paper. They are just the right size and we use the lid to reinforce the bottom because we pack generously!


Annual Ladies Ornament Exchange Friday, December 2nd @ 6:30 p.m.

All ladies are welcome to join at us at MFC for this festive event!  Bring a wrapped ornament and a favorite holiday goodie to share.


Saturday, December 3rd, 7 to 9 p.m.  Hearts With A Mission Presents:

The Greatest Talent Show Ever   It’s a night of fun, excitement and pure talent! Admission is free; donations are greatly appreciated and directly benefit Hearts With A Mission, a Christian program for homeless teens.  If you have any questions contact Dave Gomez.


Wednesday Night Activities  for the month of December we will meet the first Wednesday of the month and then resume our activities on January 11th.

Simple Meal will be at 6 p.m. Come & share the food, fellowship & God’s word. If you can’t make it but would like to help with the expenses please use the pew envelopes and designate “Simple Meal.”  We hope to see you there. Simple Meal for 12/7/11: butternut squash soup with cider cream, chili, meat loaf sandwiches, chips, and ice cream prepared by Terry DuLong.


MFC Youth Group – Join us for fun at the RRRink!  December 10th, 6:30 p.m.

Meet at MFC for a ride, cost is $6 with student ID.  Sign up in Ross Chapel.


Christmas Program Sunday, December 18th at 11 a.m.

Once again we will be having our Christmas program in the morning and we have room for those who would like to share a Christmas themed musical number, sketch or reading. If you are interested in sharing in this Christmas celebration please circle “C” on the back of your friendship, found in the Sunday bulletin and write what you would like to do or contact Mark Burton.


Christmas Eve Service

Please join us in the sanctuary Saturday, December 24th at 5 p.m. for our traditional “Come As You Are Family Celebration.”


Christmas Day

We will meet for worship at 10 a.m. There will not be Sunday School or Prayer Meeting that day. The church office will be closed on Monday, December 26th.


White Elephant Gift Exchange Friday, December 30th

Join us in the fellowship hall for a fun time!  Bring finger foods to share and a wrapped white elephant gift for the exchange game!


Youth New Year’s Eve Bash 2012 – 7 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. 

For students 6th – 12th grade

At Community Bible Church 500 N. 10th St. in C. P.

Cost is $10 at the door.  Meet at MFC @ 7 p.m. for a ride.  Sign up in Ross Chapel.


New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1st 

We will meet for worship at 9:30 a.m. There will be no Sunday School or Prayer Meeting that day. The church office will be closed Monday, January 2nd.


There will not be any committee meetings for the month of December.  We will resume in January.

The Ladies fellowship group and FWMF (day group) will not meet in homes in the month of December.


The Greatest Gift

December is here. The lights displays are up, the special holiday coffee flavors are out, we have been barraged by an endless cry to buy, buy, buy, and soon Christmas trees will be going up everywhere we turn. It’s easy to view all of these things as distractions to the true meaning of Christmas, the time that has been have set aside to remember the Incarnation, God coming among us through the birth of Jesus. But instead of dismissing all of the cultural trappings of Christmas as a distraction to the true meaning, may we be encouraged by what they remind us about the birth of Jesus.

The lights that we see remind us of the glory of God that shone around the angels in the night sky as they proclaimed the good news of the birth of Jesus. They also remind us that Jesus is the “Light of the World” and He calls us to let His light shine out of our lives for all the world to see. The constant cry to buy more and more gifts reminds us of the greatest gift of all, Jesus, God with us, our Savior and Lord, who out of love gave up the glory of heaven to bring us the gift of life.

The Christmas trees remind us of the wooden cross on which Jesus came to die to pay the price for the sin of the world, so that through faith in Him we may find peace with God, forgiveness, salvation and life. And all of the special flavors of the season remind us of Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”

As you experience the lights, trees, gifts, flavors, and even the advertisements of this season, take time to give God thanks for coming among us and offering to us the greatest gift in the world, the gift of eternal life.


In Christ,



November 28 to December 3

Monday – Read John 8:12

What does Jesus call Himself here?

Why doesn’t the world recognize Jesus as the light?

What does this mean for you?


Tuesday – Read Matthew 5:14-16

How can we be “the light of the world?”

Why should we let our light shine?

How can you better shine the light of Jesus as you live for Him?


Wednesday – Read II Corinthians 10:3-5

We live in a spiritual battlefield, what weapons has God given us to fight with?

Why are these weapons so powerful?

Why is the battle won or lost in our minds?

What can you do to be on the winning side?


Thursday – Read John 17:6-10

This is Jesus’ prayer for His disciples, which includes us.

What encouragement do you find in this prayer?

How does it challenge you?

What does it mean to be in the world but not of the world?

How can we do that?


Friday – Read Hebrews 12:1-3

What sin do you need to throw off that continually entangles you?

Why does God call us to run with perseverance?

How can we know what our race is?

In whom do we find our hope and strength?

How is Jesus challenging you? How will you respond?


Saturday – Read Genesis 6:1-22


November 21 to 25

Home Study


Monday – Read Acts 27:33-35.

Reflect upon the verse and list the things you are thankful for.


Tuesday – Read Romans 1:7-8

Reflect upon the verse and list the things you are thankful for.


Wednesday – Read 2 Cor 2:14

Reflect upon the verse and list the things you are thankful for.


Thursday – Read Romans 7:21-25

Reflect upon the verse and list the things you are thankful for.


Friday – Read Phil 1:3

Reflect upon the verse and list the things you are thankful for.





November 14 to 19

Monday – Read Matthew

According to verse 14, what is our job while we await Jesus’ return?

How does this fit with Matthew 28:16-20?

What has Jesus equipped and called you to do to fulfill this task?

What can you be doing in the days ahead?


Tuesday – Read
Matthew 24:36-44

Who knows that day and time of Jesus’ return?

Why has God kept that information from us?

How should we live in the days God gives us?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Wednesday – Read
Matthew 24:45-50

What does this passage tell us about how Jesus would have us live in these days?

How does this passage challenge you?

How will you respond?


Thursday – Read I
Peter 5:6-9

Why can we humble ourselves before God and cast all of our anxiety upon Him?

How should we live? Why?

How can we resist the devil and live in victory?

What is Jesus saying to you? How will you respond?


Friday – Read II
Peter 3:1-13

What does this passage tell us about the times preceding Jesus’ return?

Why is God waiting?

How can we speed the coming of that day?

Who in your life needs to receive Jesus? What can you do?


Saturday – Read I
Thessalonians 5:18