Thriving in a New World

This year’s Annual Sessions, like many events you likely had on your calendar, will be moving to a virtual platform.  The dates have changed slightly, moving to July 19-21st.  We will open our time together (virtually) on Sunday evening with a message from our general superintendent, Dr. Jim Le Shana.  We will hear from Dr. Joseph Clair as our main speaker on Monday and Tuesday.  There will be business sessions, workshops, and opportunities for fellowship and learning for each age group.  

We know that this change will be hard for some to hear.  It was not a simple decision to make.  But, we trust that in making this unprecedented decision, God can meet us where we are at, and move in ways that are fresh and new.  Our theme for this year’s conference is Thriving.  When this theme was picked, we had no idea of the changes that would be happening.  And so, given our current context, we are able to ask questions like; “what does it mean to be a thriving church in a new world for churches?  How can technology advance our mission — what parts of our shared life cannot and should not be replicated through technology?” In the days ahead we will have more specific information, including a schedule and details for participation in the conference.

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