Home Study 12-26 to 12-31, 2011
Monday – Read Philippians 2:1-4
How are we called to live as followers of Jesus?
Why is this important?
What could happen if the followers of Jesus would live in
humility and look to the interests of others?
What can you do to help you live more like this?
Tuesday – Read Philippians 2:5-11
What did Jesus do?
What example does this set for us?
How can we show the same attitude as Jesus?
How is God challenging you? How will you respond?
Wednesday – Read Philippians 2:12-18
Who works in us to motivate us to act according to God’s
good purposes?
Why is it important to understand this?
How should we live to shine like stars for Jesus?
How does this give us the opportunity to share the love and
truth of Jesus?
How is God challenging you? How will you respond?
Thursday – Read Philemon, verses 4-7
What does Paul pray for Philemon here?
How does sharing our faith help us to have a fuller
understanding of every good thing we have in Jesus?
What might you do to open the door to share your faith more?
Friday – Read II Peter 1:3-11
What has God given us to live for Him?
What is our role in possessing these qualities in increasing
How do these qualities keep us from falling?
How is God challenging you? How will you respond?
Saturday – Read I Thessalonians 5:19