Wednesday, May 15th Annual Camp Auction

Mark your calendars for this year’s auction!

KIDS and YOUTH be thinking what you can offer for the auction! We look forward to having auctioneer Dwayne Brood with us; he donates his time and talent to help make our annual camp auction a great time. Don’t miss the fun!  If you are planning on attending the Twin Rocks Summer Camp or other youth activities this is a chance to earn a scholarship that will help with costs of an event.  

  • You must participate and be present at the auction to qualify!

There are sign- up sheets to list your auction items located in the Fellowship Hall, Harmony Hall and Ross Chapel.

Great selling items are baked goods, hand crafted projects and manual labor. Everyone can participate by donating and/or buying the items to be auctioned off.  See you there!  Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the auction begins at 7 p.m.


Twin Rocks Camp Brochures are here and are full of camp information!

Pick up a copy from the usher’s table in the foyer at MFC.

June 30-July 5, 2013   Girls Camp pre-registered by June 14, cost is $226.   For girls entering 4th – 6th grades this fall

July 7-13, 2013   Tween Camp pre-registered by June 21, cost is $288.   For youth entering 7th-9th grades this fall

July 14-19, 2013   Boys Camp pre-registered by June 28, cost is $226.   For boys entering 4th – 6th grades this fall

August 4-10, 2013   Surfside Camp pre-registered by July 19, cost is $288.  For youth completing 8th-12th grades this spring


Ladies Fellowship Group

We will meet on Tuesday, May 7th, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be at the home of Denise Fleming.  Pam Shinn is co-hostess. All ladies are invited and welcome to join us for sharing & caring fellowship.


FWMF (Friends Women Missionary Fellowship)

All ladies are welcome to join us at MFC, in the fireside room Thursday, May 16th, at 10 a.m.  After the meeting we will have lunch at Wendy’s.

Thank you to all our MFC women who were able to attend the Area Spring Rally (as well as any of you who supported it in prayer.) We were well represented. Our Area Rally contributions to the Friends Women Yearly Meeting project offering was $474.


Impact Primetime  Wednesday May 29th

At C.P.  Bobbio's Pizza – 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

All Youth Groups are invited to hangout after youth group! Listen to great musicians and eat great food. Primetime Special $5 for large piece of pizza and soft drink.


Community Garden at MFC

See Nate Swift if you are interested in community gardening there are spaces available!  



All Church Breakfast and Workday

8 a.m. Saturday, May 11th  

Everyone is invited to join us for breakfast and workday. We have a variety of indoor and outdoor projects to be completed. Plan now to come and share in the fellowship and work time.


All Church Potluck – Sunday, May 21st

Everyone is invited to join us in the fellowship hall following Sunday School and Bible Study.  Bring your favorite potluck main dish, and a salad, vegetable or dessert, enough to feed eight people.



Financial Report

                    April 2013          Year-to-date

Income        $18,557.72           $68,919.80

Expenses      18,510.23             72,700.13

Difference            47.49              -3,780.33

We are thankful for everyone who contributes to the work and ministry of Medford Friends through your prayers, use of your talents, time and gifts and through sharing your resources. And we thank God for continuing to provide for all of our needs as we seek and follow Him.


Baccalaureate Class of 2013  Friday, June 7th, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

North Medford Auditorium

Everyone is invited to celebrate the 2013 senior classes from North, South and Central High School. We will have students share from each school, enjoy special music, and a guest speaker. There will be refreshments following the service. If you have any questions contact Dave Gomez.
