Home Study for June 2 through 7, 2014

Monday – Read Isaiah 40:21-26
How is God described in this passage?
What part of this description jumped out at you? Why?
What part of this description of God do you need to experience more in these days?
Ask God to make that happen.

Tuesday – Read Psalm 97:1-6
How is God described in this passage?
What difference does this make in your life?
How do you need to see God working in your life in these days?
Ask and wait before Him with an open heart.

Wednesday – Read Psalm 33:16-22
Why are things of creation a vain hope for deliverance?
What does this include?
Why can we trust in God as our hope for deliverance?
Where have you placed your hope?

Thursday – Read Romans 5:1-5
How does God work to produce hope in us?
How should this change how we view our suffering and difficulties?
How does this passage encourage you today?
Invite God to grow His hope in you.

Friday – Read Acts 16:6-10
Why did the Spirit keep Paul from Preaching in Asia?
How did God make His plan and timing known to Paul?
What would have happened if Paul has stuck to his original plan and timing?
Does God still work in our lives in the same way today?
What is God saying to you? How will you respond?

Saturday – Read John 11:16-44

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