1000 Pairs of Shoes

We are accepting donations of new shoes up until Easter time of next year. Many individuals and families in our community are unable to purchase new shoes for themselves so this is a way we are giving them a chance to have something that is just theirs and they get to pick out. Please help us bless our community by participating in any way that you can for this shoe drive!

New Arrival Shoes may be placed on the pew up front on the platform in the sanctuary on Sunday or given to one of the ushers!  We want to tally them before they are placed behind the pew. Ninety-one pairs of shoes have been donated so far.




Join us for an afternoon of fun!

Pool Party & BBQ

at Stan & Earlene Schlosser’s

Sunday afternoon, August 20th

2 p.m. the pool will be open, it is not heated!

BBQ at 4 p.m.

We’ll provide the hotdogs & hamburgers

Please bring your favorite salad or dessert to share

Please bring your own lawn chairs





Mark Your Calendars Now!

It’s Movies on the Patio

September 9, 2017

Movie begins about 8 p.m.

At Jack and Sue Hamilton’s


Come cool off with the movie

“Snow Dogs”

Please bring your own lawn chairs

(no loungers)

Popcorn and punch will be furnished




